Bent Branches

Performance: 1pm, Waterfront Stage, 11 Station Plaza, Dobbs Ferry

Indie rock band with male/female vocals. Think Big Thief meets the Feelies

Kathy Horne – guitar, vocals; Jamie Williamson – guitar, vocals; Miyuki Furtado – drums, vocals; Matt Svigals, bass

Bent Branches are from Irvington, NY, and feature early-aught veterans, Kathy Horne (Gotobeds), Miyuki Furtado (Rogers Sisters), Jamie Williamson and Matt Svigals. Their unique brand of jangle pop can best be described as  “…twangy, charmingly-fractured, cards-on-the-table roots rock ‘n roll. Romantic, open-road anthems for when the car is in the shop” (Nate K, WFMU).

Their debut effort, “Fake Adults,” is an honest four-banger EP about reckless youth, nostalgia, and what hurts the most.


Apple Music



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